You already discovered with the previous posts that Sirius is more and more powerful. Sirius 4.0 offers more and more possibilities to our advanced users thanks to super powered APIs.
API to control the tab-bar
The top area of all Sirius diagram editors is filled with the tab-bar, which provides access to many operations on diagrams and their elements. From now on, Sirius provides an API to get complete control of how the tab-bar is filled: which elements to put (Sirius standard ones or custom ones) and in which order.
Better integration with EMF Edit
For the specifier, Sirius 4.0 comes with a better integration with EMF Edit. While it is only the beginning, Sirius is now contributing the EditingDomainServices service class, which can be referenced from any VSM. This class provides a large set of methods giving access to many useful features of the EMF Edit framework. It provides general editing domain related services and contributes all types of Item Providers, in a way that is directly accessible as service invocations from interpreted expressions. It also offers item property related services. A series of service methods can be used to invoke the standard EMF Commands available from and ItemProviderAdapter’s various createXXXCommand() methods. Note that contrary to the createXXXCommand() methods which simply returns a Command instance, the service methods exposed in this class will directly execute the command on the editing domains CommandStack.
To catch all the new features coming with Sirius 4.0 have a look at the slides of our talk at EclipseCon France! Another chance for you to join the Sirius community, SiriusCon will occur in Paris the 15th November 2016. Be sure to save the date!